Thursday, August 16, 2012

Letters from the Hearth: Dear August

Dear August,
You have certainly got the best of me.  Two weddings, a bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, baby shower, going away party, concert, online class, significant work project, and a couple other craft projects for a future event have left little to no time to even think about the addition project never mind get anything productive accomplished for it, like choosing our light fixtures, carpeting, etc.  We've been so busy lately that these selections have somewhat been put on the back burner.  There hasn't been much talk of the project other than the constant reminder when we're actually home that we have been living in the kitchen and spare bedroom alone for the past couple of weeks since our office and bedroom furniture are dispersed throughout the house.  The only time I seem to think of all my to-do list items that I'm so eager to cross off my list is in the middle of the night when I can't fall asleep bc my mind is doing somersaults.  But who needs sleep anyways?!  Night time is the perfect time to plan for the day ahead! 

During my sleepless nights and tiresome commute to work, I've been thinking about the things I'm looking forward to in hopefully the near future:

1.  Organizing my life bc everything seems to be thrown in the kitchen right now. 
2.  Sleeping in our own bed.  I really like the bed in the spare room but there's something about being in your own bed in your own bedroom.  Just a sense of normalcy I think.  
3.  Sitting on the couch to watch tv.  Not that there's much time for that but we usually manage to spend some time on the couch on non-chaotic weekends.  
4.  Having one location for my clothing...i.e. not having to walk to the den and old bedroom closet to get my clothing in the morning.  There always seems to be this back and forth exercise from the dresser to the closet and back again.
5.  Logging into my online class in the office as oppose to at the other end of the kitchen table while the hubs is on a conference call and laptop.
6. A clean house.   
7.  Down time.  Enough said.
With the end of summer approaching, I'm giddy about the change of season, events winding down, and diving into the decorating part of the project.  It's been a wild ride, August.  Your long days, warm temps, and social events be missed but I'm sure next year you'll bring plenty more fun and chaos.  Summers just wouldn't be the same without you.   


1 comment:

  1. you're getting close!!! exciting, can't wait to see it! i can't believe you've been living in "shambles" for this long.... you must be going crazy.
