Thursday, September 20, 2012

Drumroll Please...

We are occupying our bedroom and have a functioning bathroom and full closet!!  Yay!!!  It's been a busy busy few weeks!!  I thought I would have more time to stay current with the blog since on vacation but we were fully determined to get our share of the work complete!  As mentioned before, we needed to paint before having the plumbing fixtures installed, wall sconces, and carpet flooring in the bedroom and closet.  We worked more hours than a normal work day at the office, taping and painting the walls, trim, and doors, in addition to installing the shower tile (Nick).  It wasn't exactly the vacation we had in mind, but otherwise we would have been committing months of weekends towards our end of the project and unfortunately our social calendar doesn't leave much room for free time.

The electrical inspector came yesterday to sign off on the final inspection.  We can't quite say the project is finished yet as the contractor is coming tomorrow to complete the finishing the touches.  He will be refinishing the hardwood floors in the hallway and existing bedroom as well as wrapping up some of the little items (vanity backsplash, floor vent grill, light fixture).  Nick also has to finish the shower (grout) and we have some painting to do (hallway and old bedroom) but we aren't in a rush at all since we're happily settling into the new space.

A few pictures to share:

Painting in Progress

What's the trick to Painters Tape?!!  Touch-ups Needed
Bathroom Painting in Progress

Shower Tiling in Progress
Bathroom with Fixtures Installed
Full Closet


  1. Yay! How awesome to be finally in the space!

  2. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could e-mail me?

